site BibliogrAphy
The following annotated bibliography provides information on sources used to develop the information presented on this web site. For each source I provide a citation; in most cases I also provide information on where the document can be found, and/or some comments on the content.
Anglicus, Bartholomaeus. Jean Corbichon Tr. (1495). Le livre des proprietes des choses. Lyon: Jean Siber. In French. Original written in Latin about 1240. Translated to French in 1372. Book 19 (last book): Ch 53 on Liquers. Ch 54 on Honey, Ch 55 on Honeycombs. Ch 56 Mulsum. Ch 57 Bochet. Ch.58 clare. Ch.59 pyment.
Atlas, Alia, tr. (1994). Daz Buoch von Guoter Spise.
B., W. (1614). The Philosophers Banquet. London: T.C. Properties of beer, mead, water vs. wine. 1st edition 1609, 3rd edition 1633.
Barbaro, Ermolao. (1516). In hoc volumine haec continentur. Joannis Baptistae Egnatii Veneti in Dioscoridem ad Harmolao Barbaro tralatum. Dioscorides text with comentary.
Baumfylde, Mary. (1626). Medicinal and cookery recipes. Folger MS Add 568. recipes for metheglin
Bostock, John. H.T. Riley. (1855). The Natural History. Pliny the Elder. London: Taylor and Francis. English translation of Pliny’s 1st c. AD Natural History.
da Brescia, Albertano, Jean Bruyant. (1846). Le Menagier de Paris: Traite de morale et d’economie domestique compose vers 1393. Volume 2. Paris. In French. Recipes for bochet on p.238 of volume 2.
Butler, Charles. (1609). The Feminine Monarchy: or, a Treatise Concerning Bees. Oxford: J. Barnes. Collecting honey and types of honey. Recipes for mead.
Butler, Charles. (1623). The Feminine Monarchy: or, a Treatise Concerning Bees. London: John Haviland. Text differs from 1609 somewhat, section on mead has been heavily edited
Clutius, Theodorum. (1597). Van de Byen Hare wonderlicke Oorsprone. Leyden. In Dutch. On Bees. Mead recipes.
Cromwell, L. (17th c.). Cookbook. Folger call number V.a.8. recipes for mead, beer, and wines.
Digby, Kenhelm. (1669). The Closet of the Eminently Learned Sir Kenelme Digbie Kt. Opened. London: E.C. Over 100 named recipes for mead/metheglin many with variants.
Dodoens, Rembert. (1578). New Herball. Herbal in English translation based on the works of Dioscorides. Descriptions of the appearance, growth, medical uses, and properties of many herbs.
Elyot, Thomas, (1541). The Castel of Helth Corrected and in some places Augmented. US National Library of Medicine Ch.18 (P.31 of text): Of drynkes, and first of water. Ch.19 (p.32 of text) wine; In Ch.20 Of Mylke on p.34 of text section on ale, beere, cider and whay. Ch.22 Of Honye. p.35 of text.
Estienne, Charles & Liebault, Jean. (1576). Maision Rustique. Paris. How to run a large farm and use the products from it.
La Framboisiere, Nicolas Abrahamde. (1600). Le Gouvernement necessaire a chacun pour vivre longuement en sante. Paris: Michel Sonnius. General health management and specifics of disease treatment.
Griffith, T.H. (1897). The Hymns of the Rigveda Translated with a Popular Commentary. Vol. II. Second Edition. J. Lazarus. Earliest written mentions of mead.
Hess, Karen. (1995). Martha Washington’s Booke of Cookery and Booke of Sweetmeats. New York: Columbia University Press. Recipes for several varieties of mead and metheglin.
Hill, Martyn. (c.1600-1710). Recipe Book. UPenn MS Codex 252. Recipes for meads, beer, wines, and waters.
Hoff, Amanda. (2017). What is the Density of an Egg? Accessed November 28, 2017.
Hueguetan, Jean-Antione. (1607). Le Thrésor de santé, ou mesnage de la vie humaine, divisé en dix livres. Lesquels traictent amplement de toutes sortes viands & breuvages, ensemble de leur qualité & préparation. Lyon. Diet, exercise and habits to promote a healthy life.
Jacob, Elizabeth, (1654). Physicall and chirurgical recepts cookery and preserves. Wellcome MS 3009. Recipes for mead, wines, waters.
L’Obel, Matthias De. (1581). Kruydtboeck oft Beschryvinghe Van allerleye Ghewassen, Kruyderen, Hesteren ende Gheboomten. Antwerp: Christoffel Plantyn. Plants and herbs with descriptions and uses, references to previous writers.
McGovern, Patrick E. (2017). Ancient Brews: Rediscovered and Re-Created. W.W. Norton & Company. Focuses on the early history of fermented drinks as discovered through archaeology evidence and interpreted using scientific techniques.
Magnus. Olaus. (1555). Historia de Gentibus Septentrionalibus. Rome. In Latin. A History of the North. Book 13 is on agriculture and food. Starting with Chapter 19, several chapters on wine, mead, and beer, including woodcuts.
Moe, Dagfinn, Klaus Oeggl. (2013). Palynological evidence of mead: a prehistoric drink dating back to the 3rd Millennium B.C. Veget Hist Archaeobot 23:515-526. Summarizes information from numerous locations and digs connecting data on pollen content to honey and mead including contents of mead specifically meadowsweet/meadsweet.
Mussehl, F. E. 1923. Influence of the specific gravity of hens’ eggs on fertility, hatching power, and growth of chicks. Journal of Agricultural research. Vol.XXIII, No.9 pp.717-720.
Olivera-Boreli, F. P. de, Pereira, D. P., Alencar Gonçalves, J., Silva, V. Z. da, & Alencar Nääs, I. de. (2023). Non-destructive assessment of hens' eggs quality using image analysis and machine learning. Smart Agricultural Technology. Volume 4 100161,
Pena, Petro and Mathia de Lobel. (1570). Stirpium adversaria nova. London. Herbal including medical and other uses for herbs. Sorts herbs according to their physical characteristics.
Piatz, Steve. (2014). The Complete Guide to Making Mead: The Ingredients, Equipment, Processes, and Recipes for Crafting Honey Wine. Voyageur Press. Along with Schramm’s ‘The Compleat Meadmaker’, considered a core element for a modern mead making library.
Power, Eileen. (1928). The Goodman of Paris (Le Menagier de Paris): A Treatise on Moral and domestic economy by a Citizen of Paris. Routledge. English translation of the French. Recipe for mead (bochet) made with carmelized honey (spices as an option) and for a second mead in section on dealing with sickness.
Purchase, Samuel. (1658). A Theatre of politically flying-insects. London: Thomas Parkhurst. On bees, their keeping and uses of honey and wax.
De Roselli, Giovanni de. (1517). Opera Nova Chiamata Epulario quale tract ail modo de cucinare ogni cafrne, vcelli, pesci, de ogni sorte. Venice. Recipe for 'sweet white wine' using apples and honey.
De Roselli, Giocanni de. (1598). Epulario, or the Italian Banquet. London. Mead recipe in translation one of last few recipes in book.
Schramm, Ken. (2003). The Compleat Meadmaker: Home Production of HoneyWine From Your First Batch to Award-winning Fruit and Herb Variations. Brewers Publications. Along with Piatz’s ‘The Complete Guide to Making Mead’ considered a core book for modern mead making techniques.
Scully, T. (1995). The art of cookery in the Middle Ages. Woodbridge: Boydell Press.
de Serres, Olivier. (1600). Theatre D’Agriculture et Mesnage les Champs. Paris: Seigneur de Pradel. How to run a farm and maintain it. Processing and use of agricultural products.
Simpson, J. A., E. S. C. Weiner, and Donna Lee. Berg. (1991). The Compact Oxford English Dictionary: Complete Text Reproduced Micrographically. Oxford: Clarendon.
Spurling, Hilary. (1987). Elinor Fettiplace’s Receipt Book. Penguin Books. Recipes for Lemon Mead and Strong Metheglin.
Surflet, Richard, Tr. (1616). Maison Rustique, or the Countrey Farme. London.Early English Books Books details all aspects of running a farm and collecting and using the resources from it. Translation of Estienne & Liebault’s French book originally published in 1570 and revised and republished multiple times.
Venner, Tobias. (1620). Via Recta ad Vitam longam. London: Edward Griffin. Section II Of the Divers Kindes of Drinke. Includes sections on water, wine, beere/ale, cider/perry, metheglin/meathe, and aqua vitae.
Wikipedia. “Das Buch von guter Speise”. Last modified September 18, 2017; accessed December 8, 2017. Background information on the first German cookbook.
Wikipedia. “Hausbuch des Michael de Leone”. Last modified November 5, 2017; accessed December 8, 2017. Background information in the manuscript containing Das Buch von guter Speise.
Last updated March 25, 2021
Picture Credit MET open access program.